

SG Quarantine Order Support Group is only made possible by the numerous noble volunteers who fork out their time and effort to help all those in need during their Covid-19 quarantine journey. Our group is made of different type of volunteers who go beyond the extra mile and above the call of duty to lend support to our members.

FAQ Veterans

Our FAQ Veterans members reside in our main group helping to answer the queries of our members. They are ordinary citizens who have trained themselves to be well versed with the Covid-19 protocols and volunteers their time to allay the worries and questions of our members.

The FAQ veterans are Julien (@jdui222), M B (@MB_Wish), T , Leonard (@lionheart1970), 🐼༼☯﹏☯༽ɳσCσV.

SGQO Groceries Volunteers

SGQO Groceries Volunteers logo

Our spinoff group of hardworking volunteers who assists in delivering meals and/or groceries to citizens nationwide who are placed under the home recovery programme.

We also get referrals from various FSCs, schools, NUHS Virtual Ward Programme and MOH's Home Recovery Buddy.

From Sept 2021 to Feb 2022, our volunteers have made over 780 deliveries and to over 130 families to date.

Our team of groceries & meals deliveries volunteers are led by our volunteer leaders Evonne Tan, Jezreel Cheong, Celes Kweng, Corinne Teo and Patrick Wong.

SGQO Pediatrics Support Group

SGQO Pediatrics Support Group logo

Led by a team of professional community paediatricians, this spinoff group serves as a support group for parents dealing with Covid-19 and the quarantine issues at home. Our noble paediatricians volunteer their time to answer the medical queries and concerns of parents.

SGQO Pregnant Mothers Support Group

SGQO Obstetrician-Gynecologists Support Group logo

Led by two professional OBGYN doctors, this spinoff group serves as the support group for pregnant mothers who are facing Covid-19 issues. Our caring and attentive OBGYN doctors have been helping to answer pregnant mothers' medical queries in regards to their quarantine.


Among the group we have valuable members who volunteer to help translate English into Mandarin for those who speaks only Mandarin that comes into the telegram group chat. They also help to translate our FAQs and guides we post.


Our admins are the very people that made this website and telegram group possible. They are tasked with ensuring that everything runs smooth. They are responsible for keeping an eye on the main group's traffic, making sure no troublemakers, spam bots, or conflicts stays in our group. They are also the ones that help to compile all the FAQs, and consolidate all the information that you see in our Rose bot.

Our admins are Ng Jing Feng, Jasper Chan, Dawn Hong, Sin Wei Chuen.